Pain is the Best Teacher
We all want to avoid pain. It’s not fun to be shackled to chains of hurt, grief, betrayal, unforgiveness, and bitterness. We carry the weight and heaviness of pain around us like bricks and...
Than I Ever Was Unbroken
We all want to avoid pain. It’s not fun to be shackled to chains of hurt, grief, betrayal, unforgiveness, and bitterness. We carry the weight and heaviness of pain around us like bricks and...
1. You don’t have to forgive. Forgiveness is a wonderful, freeing feeling that can bring a lot of peace. However, you don’t have to forgive anyone. You can accept that something happened the way...
Kids are just better than us. It’s a fact. I’ve worked with kids my entire adult life and have three of my own and I never stop learning from them. Here are just 11...
A new chapter begins. High School. I know you are feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. High school is the only thing that stands between you and true independence. These next four years...
There are so many seasons in parenting. Each new school year seems to mark the beginning of another season. From the too big backpack on your preschooler to the last first day of high...
Teachers aren’t heroes. But sometimes their work is heroic. Right now, most teachers are either deep in the throes of the chaos of a new school year or getting ready to start back, anticipating...
As a mom that’s just trying to manage a household and get by with everyone alive and fed, I love anything that helps make life easier (or cheaper). I tend to over research everything...
12 full time jobs that moms do every day No one tells you when you become a mom the amount of constant brain power that is required. You aren’t only managing you, but you...
(Note: This post contains affiliate links. I may get a commission from anything purchased from these links. Happy shopping!) I was once a new sports mom. I naively thought that you just pulled up...