Category: Heartbreak

Pain is the Best Teacher 0

Pain is the Best Teacher

We all want to avoid pain. It’s not fun to be shackled to chains of hurt, grief, betrayal, unforgiveness, and bitterness. We carry the weight and heaviness of pain around us like bricks and...

Why Kids Are Better Than Us 0

Why Kids Are Better Than Us

Kids are just better than us. It’s a fact. I’ve worked with kids my entire adult life and have three of my own and I never stop learning from them.  Here are just 11...

Teachers Aren’t Heroes 0

Teachers Aren’t Heroes

Teachers aren’t heroes. But sometimes their work is heroic.  Right now, most teachers are either deep in the throes of the chaos of a new school year or getting ready to start back, anticipating...

Let It Be 1

Let It Be

Let it go. That’s what we are taught. Be the bigger person. Forgive them. Don’t let anger or bitterness poison you. Don’t react. Don’t let anyone pull you down to their level.  You don’t...

Simple Ways To Add Gratitude To Your Life 0

Simple Ways To Add Gratitude To Your Life

The benefits of gratitude are endless. Science tells us that practicing gratitude can benefit virtually every aspect of our lives-physical, mental, emotional, and social. So why don’t we all prioritize gratitude all the time?...