Let It Be
Let it go. That’s what we are taught. Be the bigger person. Forgive them. Don’t let anger or bitterness poison you. Don’t react. Don’t let anyone pull you down to their level. You don’t...
Than I Ever Was Unbroken
Not a single one of us will make it through life unscathed by something that shakes us to our core, brings us to our knees, changes us on an elemental level. Some people experience...
What has happened to the middle? It seems that we are moving rapidly into a world of extremes. From politics, to religion to everything in between-where is the in between anyway? The most opinionated...
Control is an illusion. It is born out of fear-usually a fear of loss or pain. If we can control the events and people in our lives, we believe we can reduce the possibility...
The benefits of gratitude are endless. Science tells us that practicing gratitude can benefit virtually every aspect of our lives-physical, mental, emotional, and social. So why don’t we all prioritize gratitude all the time?...
For most of my life, I clung to the familiar. I loved my comfort zone and that is where I intended to stay. I said no to a lot of things that challenged me,...
Forgiveness is powerful. I used to believe that forgiving meant letting someone off the hook. I used to believe it was for the other person, and you had to be a martyr to forgive....
When you go through something tough and people ask you how you do it the answer isn’t easy, but it is so simple