Tagged: divorce

Making Purpose From Pain 0

Making Purpose From Pain

Not a single one of us will make it through life unscathed by something that shakes us to our core, brings us to our knees, changes us on an elemental level. Some people experience...

The Joy and the Suck 0

The Joy and the Suck

I have become very skilled at finding positives in challenging situations. Looking for the good, focusing on gratitude, taking what comes my way and making something meaningful from it, doing all the positive, self...

Comfort Zone 0

Comfort Zone

For most of my life, I clung to the familiar. I loved my comfort zone and that is where I intended to stay. I said no to a lot of things that challenged me,...

The Freedom of Forgiveness 0

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is powerful. I used to believe that forgiving meant letting someone off the hook. I used to believe it was for the other person, and you had to be a martyr to forgive....



When you go through something tough and people ask you how you do it the answer isn’t easy, but it is so simple

The Stages of Grief 0

The Stages of Grief

During divorce, you will probably go through the five stages of grief. What I didn’t know is that grief is not linear. You don’t just go through the stages like a series of college...

How To Heal Your Heart 2

How To Heal Your Heart

1. Feel Your Feelings. No matter how hard you try to push down, suppress, ignore, or distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings like anger, sadness, despair, loneliness, guilt, resentment-your feelings will always find a way...